Friday, July 4, 2008

Big Portion Disease

or BPD. It's was Marc affectionately named my compulsion to buy or make 3 times (at least) as much food as needed for whatever event I'm buying or making for. I wonder what part of my brain is deffiencient or what childhood trauma fuels that need. It truely is a compulsion.

Here I sit waiting for the coffee to brew, biting my nails b/c "I just know" I'm not going to have enough food for today. I'm such a fucktard. Marc went shopping yesterday and bought a blue billion hamburgers and hot dogs and steaks and pasta salad and beer and soda and juice and wine and chips and dip. People are bringing corn, and anitpasto salad and stuffed shells and cake and coffee and fruit, etc and still I sit stressing about not having enough "side dishes". It's bizarre considering the crew would probably not think twice about eating a bowl of cereal if that's all I had.

So in order to get my fix I went out after marc got home from the store under the rouse of needing potato chips and ice pops and got some asparagus and mushrooms to grill. Now today after a night of tossing and turning over the whole thing I am sending Marc out to get some baked beans.

What the hell is wrong with me? Do you think therapy is in order?


Anonymous said...

Fear of failure. I know it all too well, for I too always want to make sure I am doing enough, so that I won't fail.

I bet you will have too much left-over. That's what always happens to me. LOL

Happy 4th!

Alice said...

In this case Chris, your big Portion Disease paid off because most of your guests had "big portion eating disease", so yes, there was an exorbitant amount of food but no, there weren't a lot of leftovers. The last of the burgers and dogs were grilled at about 10 PM. I left at about 11:30 and there were some still there talking about breakfast!

Anonymous said...

Well it sounds like your guests left with full belly' I say it was a success!! Again, have I mentioned I'm looking for your mother to adopt me into the family?

Alice said...

Welcome to the family Jana, all it really takes to get in is to show up with a plate of something. There are some people in our family that no one knows but we keep them because they bring good food.