Tuesday, August 19, 2008

PSA- Grocery Shopping

Public Service Announcement- Grocery Shopping with an 18 month old and 3 month old is a bitch! If at all possible don't do it. Usually I'm pretty good with figuring out how to logistically handle these two kiddies but I gotta tell you the shopping cart at the grocery store provides an interesting challenge for me. Today was my second attempt at grocery shopping with BOTH kiddies.

The first time I went I put Eva in the seat part of the cart that is closest to me. I hung my wristlet wallet off the cart. I put the list on the seat next to Eva. I had my pen and phone and keys in my pocket. I hung the reusable shopping bags off the pen that was sticking out of my pocket. Lastly I had Luke in the car seat in the actual wagon. Now's the part where you ask where I put the food. Well, I made do with what little square footage I had left over after all of the other non food items (kiddies and such) were secured in the cart. I got 1/3 as many paper towels as I actually needed, half the frozen dinners, a mini loaf of bread and a quart of milk instead of a gallon. I tucked all of that stuff around the car seat in the wagon. Then I wedged a box of cereal in the car seat under Lukes legs, I made Eva hold the plums and apples and hamburger buns on her lap, I balanced the eggs, cheese and yogurt on the top of the car seat and I carried 2 boxes of Skinny Cows up to the registered in one hand while pushing the wagon with the other. I had to take Eva out of the cart and move Lukey to the top part in order to get the bagged groceries back into the cart. At that point I threw the list out and the no longer had to hang the bags from the pen in my pocket but I had to hold Eva's hand through the parking lot while pushing the cart with my elbow and eating a Skinny Cow.

Today I figured I'd try a different approach. I put Luke in the car seat in the back of the cart with me and stood Eva beans in the cart. I hung the wallet again off the handle and hung the bags from the teething rings hooked onto Lukey's carseat. About halfway through the trip Eva started chucking things out of the cart and she had about 4 square inches to stand. In order to avoid her smashing everything when she inevitably fell over as I made the turn to the frozen food section I decided it'd be best to take her out of the cart and have her walk nicely with me throughout the rest of the store. Pfffffft! Yeah Right. This time I actually got everything I needed to get with only 1 kid in the wagon but it took me twice as long b/c I was chasing the girl child all over the store.

So unless anyone has some other magical configuration that they'd like to share I'll be doing the food shopping alone from now on.

Oh yeah and why do people hate kids so much?


Anonymous said...

LMAOOO! This is totally comical and having 2 close in age, I have totally been there. There really isn't any "good" way to do it. But I did see at a grocery store recently double front seats on a cart. Which means Eva could sit on one side and Ookie's seat could be placed on the other..Naturally you will never find this cart until your children are past cart age..lol. But props to you Mama! You're my hero.

Anonymous said...

Love it!!
Girl your an inspiration to me,
I never get half the shiz I need with only the boy child that I have wrecking havoc on the trip.

Anonymous said...

lolol....No wonder you're losing weight, Chris !! Sounds like you should be on 'Supermarket Sweep'
(am I giving my age away ?????)..

Anyway- as long as you got those Skinny Cows, the heck with the paper towels......

Unknown said...

girl i can picture every last stop on your shopping trip - btdt. I dont remember how i made out now ( must have been one of those horrid memories i hid in the WAY back of min mind) but i can tell you its no easier now for me with big kids and a toddler. Im still chasing the toddler all over as well as trying to comandear the big kids from putting every sugary snack they see in the cart. WE have those double buggies here like Jana talks abot but they just caused fights for my kiddies - or now in my case Micah's too big to put his scrawny booty back there and Olivia refuses to sit alone.

Ashley said...

I remember supermarket sweep, good show...gotta get the big prize items.

Mass props to you girl, you must have mad skills right there!

Can you put luke in a baby carrier thingie with you and eva in the front?

Alice said...

Chris, this is hysterically funny. I can exactly picture you every step of the way.
And the important thing is you got the skinny cows!
Can't wait to see you all.
Love you,
Love, me

Anonymous said...

I have 2 words for you, my friend....PEA POD! go to www/peapod.com and have them deliver your groceries to you. Actually, first go to the store and get some skinny cws. Make your order. The day of delivery, relax on teh couch with your feet up and eat a skinny cow. When the doorbell rings, you'll have to actually get up, but that's it! Ain't nothing better. Do it, do it!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Lori on this one! It's usually the simplest answer that makes the most sense. If it makes you feel any better, it doesn't matter what their ages are, having two in the grocery store is an adventure. Wait until you get to hold negotiations over who will push the cart, for how long, and how many "treats" will be given. I hold a five minute "instructional" in the car prior to entering the store, so we are all clear on the ground rules.

Anonymous said...

Oh great, I just snorted tea through my nose reading this.

Alice said...

LOLOL Laura, I just snorted wine thru my nose reading your comment!

Anonymous said...

this is some good reading here! I almost peed my pants laughing so much. some good memories of myself and my boys when they were younger[2 yrs apart]. Chris I had a baby backpack that helped alot. Until he could reach stuff. Then you pay for stuff to be trashed cause it busted. I love this blog!!

Tara said...

LMAO chrissy...i can see the whole thing going down!

the easiest way to get it done...leave the kids at home, lol! thats what i do, they stay with my mom!

Anonymous said...

your hysterical - try peapod - or get the wagon that is like a car and even though it is totally skeezy and germ infested the girl child will stay in it!