Tuesday, April 22, 2008


now have my most undying respect and admiration. Not only do they birth a 265 pound baby elephant but they a have a 22 month gestation period!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't fathom..... Major props go out to Mrs. Dumbo and all of her sisters.

Here I am 8 months pregnant and already writing up the eviction notice for Jr. Everyone keeps telling me it's good that the baby stay in there as long as it needs to but guess what folks....I just don't see it that way. We've officially reached the threshold where it is better for us all if I become a single occupancy person once again. Alright, Alright, I'm considered full term in one week so I'm willing to give "shim" that much more time in there. After that bring on the castor oil and nipple tweaking because it's so on!!!!!


Anonymous said...

HAHAH! I feel you...mad love to the elephants for sure! You're sooooo close. Hang in there!!

Ashley said...

lol I am loving the nipple tweaking, psh!!

Anonymous said...

Chrissy, even though you may feel like a pregnant elephant, don't you dare force my grandchild to make his/her appearance one minute before he/she wants to! And that means...NO to castor oil and NO to nipple tweeking!