Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday 13- Indispensible things

1. Baby Alice (for snuggle time)
2. Raisins (for bribery)
3. Baby Einstein videos (for sanity)
4. Aunt Kerrie (for days when work needs to get done)
5. Maricela (for when the house is destroyed)
6. Branchinelli's (for Italian in a pinch)
7. The Internets (for vegging)
8. Text messaging (for when I don't feel like calling people back)
9. GPS (for finding stuff)
10. Skinny Cow (no explanation needed)
11. Naps (for all involved)
12. Coffee (b/c without it I couldn't live)
13. Facebook (to keep in touch)


BrendaF said...

I love your 13..I agree with the nap..and the coffee!! LOL

Anonymous said...

I'm down with the coffee, and the nap time too

Alice said...

Glad you are out of you blog funk, I knew you could do it. This one is brilliant!
Love, Ma

Tara said...

love it! skinny cows are def indispensable...thanks for telling us about them! lol

Anonymous said...

Excellent list!!!!