Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Deet Doo Mommy

Marc and I were just discussing the prospect of maybe having another kid sometime in the future. If it were up to him we would be done. If it were up to me we'd have another in about 2 years or so. Like any good man he wants to make sure that another child wouldn't strap us financially. It's so far from something that I want to do at this time but I like talking about it so he knows where my head is at and so he stays open to the idea... I really think it's gonna take a lot of convincing.

Just as I was explaining to him that I would be back to work by then and I wouldn't want to do it either if I didn't think we could afford it and we would only consider it if bla bla bla I handed Eva her sippy cup and she said "Deet Doo Mommy" (thank you mommy). She must be a much better negotiator than I because immediatly upon her saying that Marc said "Okay we'll have another one".


Rebecca said...

That's a tough decision! But when they are that cute, you could really have a dozen! :) !

Anonymous said...

thats too damn cute!! those kids totally have marc wrapped around their little fingers...i love it!

Anonymous said...

Eva can talk anybody into anything, she really has a command of the language and her powers of persuasion are amazing. I think she will be a polititian when she grows up ;-)
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I love how a simple "deet doo mommy" changes the entire way we think about things! I'm with Mom on her persuasive abilities, I'm smelling a politician..and a GORGEOUS one at that!

I've said it before-you and Marc could NEVER have enough children!