Monday, December 1, 2008

The Toddler Photo Shoot Chronicles - The Christmas Installment

If Santa were real and I were good enough to be deserving of a gift I would most assuredly ask him to turn my kids into well behaved, good picture taking, cheese saying, pose cooperating charming precious little muffins for like 10 stinking minutes. Be honest with me- is that too much to ask? Since you and I know Santa is a crock I'm stuck with non posing, hair messer-uppers, drooling like a wrinkle dog, non cheese uttering, non cute being, opposite of charming and most UNprecious little devils. So this is installment 3 of the Toddler Photo Shoot Chronicles- The Christmas Shoot. To refresh your memory Shoot 1 was baby announcement day and it yeilded that horrendous but terribly funny picture of ookie that made him look like he was pinching out one. Shoot 2 was Target day which yeilded... NOTHING... well nothing purchasable or usable thanks to the girl child. So as not to disappoint, Shoot 3 was so exactly predictable. There was drool, drama, crying, smacking, running and hiding, bribing, more crying and finally defeat. Be on the lookout for a Christmas card that will literally send shivers up Mammar's spine (sorry Mammar but that's what you get for being away again during another Toddler photo shoot).

Here are some of the more notable shots:

I know people. There ain't a damn thing right with them. The "set" sucks, the lighting is horrific, the angles are horrendous and as if all of that wasn't bad enough the children were most uncooperative. I've been wanting to buy a fancy new camera but for a while but I know that won't make the children want to behave so I'm saving myself the loot. Their outfits are presh though, no?


LaSal said...

I think those are the funniest pictures!!! Sooooooooo much better than super posed, nicey-nice. This shows THEM, the truth, and has those funny memories attached.

(That's what I always told myself, before self medicating)

Anonymous said...

BaHahahahahaha!!!!! OMG, my fave is the last one of Ookie -- what is that face???

I think you win a prize just for getting them both dressed in those adorable outfits and clicking off 10 shots before pandemonium took over. :)

Alice said...

I'll be home on the weekend, and we can try it again.

Anonymous said...

I think you should make a collage of them all, and use them- I dare anyone (except Mammar, of course) to do any better...

love the last 2 Ookie shots, and the one of Eva with the 'duh' mouth .... lol

Anonymous said...

what's funny, is I can "hear" the soundtrack to these photos. Don't toss them, put them in the book, because this is real life, not the beautifully posed, angelic faces of Target. You rock as a mom!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the're selling yourself way too short...the kiddos are gorgeous and I love the outfits!

Anonymous said...

he is so funny! i can't believe how big he is! it is hysterical!