Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I now know why (again)

the military uses sleep deprivation as a tactic to break people. WOW. The Lif's (minus Eva and Luke) are officially broken. We forgot how hard it is to function during the day when the baby is up literally every 15 minutes over night. Add to that the extra luxury of "playing" with a toddler all day and you get some interesting conversations in the middle of the night.

This morning Marc and I made a deal that anything goes in the middle of the night. We can be snippy and say whatever the heck we want (within reason) to eachother when the other one can't find the wipes or the petroleum jelly or whatever but all HAS to be forgiven in the morning. I think I made out on the deal.


Anonymous said...

OH yeah....I remember those days!!

I like the deal you and Marc made..sounds like a safe bet for sure!!!

Anonymous said...

It even out....eventually!

Anonymous said...

sounds like a damn good deal to me!

Anonymous said...

lol.. what teamwork ! Luke is probably laughing his butt off -score one for him....

Have fun and get some sleep !

love kathy