Sunday, July 20, 2008

To the fucking slimey piece of ass wart that stole my stuff

I hope on the way from wherever you were going when you stole my laptop and wallet that you got hit by a bus. I hope you lived long enough for an oppossum to squate over your mouth and shit down your throat and then died.

You fucking disgrace. You fucking waste of hemoglobin. Do the world one favor (if you can find it in your puny, rotting heart) and sign your organ donor card so your life isn't a complete utter waste.

I hope when you're looking at the pictures of my brand new baby that I cannot replace lightnening strikes you and your dearest loved one at the same time in front of a crowd of onlookers. And I hope those onlookers laugh.


Anonymous said...

WORD!!! I second all of that!

Just makes me sick for you Chrissy, it really does. What a piece of shit...I too will be hoping for the bus accident and a mouth full of shit for this guy!

Anonymous said...

Chrissy you are right on with what the fucker deserves!

Alice said...

Chris, don't hold back. Say how you really feel.

Anonymous said...

Oh no, no, no, no... :( I'm so sad this happened to you, Chris.

Anonymous said...

I third all of that chrissy...this piece of shit needs to get what he truly deserves...fucktard

Rebecca said...

I am sorry you had your laptop and wallet stolen - maybe they will return once they go through everything and realize you have some irreplaceable items in there -wishful thinking anyway!