Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday 13 #3 a pictorial re-cap of last weeks 13

Thirteen Things about Chrissy

1. Cheeseburgers

2. Beer

3. Hanging with family and friends (figured I highlight some faithful blog readers ;-)

4. Eva hanging with her cousins (and mom)

5. Finally getting the swingset up

6. Hiroko's stuffed shells

7. The start of a 3 day weekend...ummmmmmm...

8. Help with Lukey

9. Fresh Air- using artistic license on this one

10. My award winning skirt steak- believe it or not it was eaten before I could even get a picture!!!

11. Matching 4th of July outfits

12. Fireworks- it rained like crazy so we didn't see any ;-(

13. Not needing a designated driver

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love how you highlighted this one with pics!! Fab!