Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mission Impossible

You'd think someone who could steer a grocery cart with her knee while pushing it with her elbow and holding a pacifier in one kid's mouth and feeding another kid raisins could figure out how to cut a toddlers toenails, right? I'm pretty resourceful and consider myself a problem solver for the most part but this one has me stumped.

Not only am I going to need therapy for my BPD but Eva needs to go for her nailclipper phobia. It's bad! Not only does she flip out and practically puke and hyperventilate when I try and do her nails but now she won't even let me do her brother's.

WTF am I going to do? Eva is gonna look like Shridhar Challal (see pic above) if I don't figure this puzzle out FAST.


Alice said...

It's all true. I have been on the receiving end of Eva's tantrum as both Mommy (Chris) and memar (me)have double-teamed her to cut her toenails. It is truly over the top of the "why-are-you-freaking- out-when-we-are-only-trying-to- keep-your-toenails-from-getting- caught-on-everything-and-being-painfully-ripped-off-in-your- shoes?" spectrum. I have no explanation for it. I only hope we are not setting Eva up for a lifetime of therapy.

Anonymous said...

LMAO! This is too funny Chris. She's clearly going to be a girl who keeps her nails long. I know Evan isn't a fan, but I just put him on my lap and make these retarded buzzing noises while I'm clipping them...either it holds his attention or he's marveling in my "retarded'esque" behavior!

Much luck to ya Mama!

Rebecca said...

That is a disgusting picture! Too funny! I just put them in their booster seat so they can't get out and go to work! :)

Annette@(running)In the Right Direction said...

hysterical! Have you tried when she is sleeping?