Thursday, July 10, 2008

Muffin Top

Blaaaaaagh I have one!!! Having 2 kids in 2 years has left me with a crusty, doughy mid section and I'm stressing on it. Going to the beach today with an 8 month pregnant friend whose probably smaller than I ever was isn't helping matters. Anyway, I'm 6 weeks postpartum and, much to my dismay, allowed to exercise now so tonight I start back at the gym. I am taking over Marc's membership that he hasn't used in 3 months so he can stop feeling guilty about not going and I can start. We'll see what I have left in my trouble spots when I lose the finally 14 pounds that I need to unload and then I'm going to start thinking about a "mommytuck".

I think I've mentioned this before but how did I get so old?????


Anonymous said...

I think you're being wayyy to hard on yourself (we've talked about this a million times, lol) cuz you just had Ookie like a minute ago!

You're gonna melt those lbs off in no time, I just know it..and if you need a Mommy tuck after, I'll be right behind you in support! (One good turn deserves another!)

Lady Lif said...

Wooooot!!!! Surgery Sisters we'll be!!!!! Thanks chickie!