Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I was remiss

In wishing the Grand Duke a happy second birthday here!!!! Better late than never!! Happy birthday Honey Cakes!!!

An oldie but goodie:

Btw- he's officially in the terrible twos!!! You'd be surprised how quickly one could forget how fierce they could be, especially since big sis just turned 3 a few months ago but, man alive, does he throw a temper tantrum with zeal!

On a semi related note "big sis" has decided at the ripe old age of 3 yrs and 3 months that she "needs to start wearing makeup" so that she "can fall in love". Pray for me folks. Pray long and hard.


Alice said...

Happy Birthday Lukey! Can't wait to see you. Love, Mamar

Marie said...

Oh my gosh, he is such a cutie!!! He totally looks like one of the trainers at my gym. Weird, considering Lukey is 2 and the trainer has got to be 30 years older.

Eva's comment cracks me up!! Where do they get this stuff?!?!