Friday, October 23, 2009

Love/ Hate Friday Five

Five things I lurve about Fall:

1. Soup
2. Boots
3. Sweaters
4. Thanksgiving is uhcoming
5. Apple pie and vanilla ice cream

Five things I hate about Fall:
1. Baseball season is coming to an end
2. It's dark in the morning when I go to work
3. It's dark in the evening when I get home from work
4. Pedicures take a backseat
5. I have almost no willpower when it comes to vanilla ice cream and apple pie.


annette said...

1st- just got your text (i went to see bonnie's new baby. plus had no sitter!
2nd- I make a mean apple pie. I'll have to bring one over - then maybe you'll go to the gym in the AM with me.
3rd- You look fabulous so treat yourself to that pie and icecream.

Marie said...

I hear that! Watch out for Annette's apple pie... I have tried it and it is irresistable.

Anonymous said...