Sunday, September 13, 2009

How did I make it through all of these years

of child rearing without one "poop in the tub" incident? Answer- I'm that damn good.

Why did it finally have to happen tonight? Answer- I got cocky. :-)


K to the Anus said...

Haven't had one yet either, but I am sure my day will come!

Hope you had fun cleanin that up. And if your tub is like most tubs, the drain didn't get it all down did it?

Anonymous said...


Through my 3 kids-I've lost count of how many of those incidents I've had. I officially welcome you to the bath floaters club. :)

Lady Lif said...

Luckily it didn't make it to the drain. I scooped it out with baby wipes and flushed it. It was fugnasty though!!!

Lady Lif said...

Did y'all get the pun????? Marc says it's not totally clear that that's what I was getting at. HUH?????