Friday, July 10, 2009

Special Thanks

going out to the lady at safety swim that helped me put Eva's bathing suit on yesterday amidst one of the hairiest public hissy fits I've ever been unfortunate enough to witness.

Basically I struggled and struggled and struggled trying to put her swim diaper on while 10 horrified onlookers stared until one lovely, been there done that Grandma decided to do her good deed for the day. I held Eva in straight jacket fashion and this nice lady put Eva's suit on for me, all the while dodging kicks and spit and horrific insults, and (probably most importantly) reassuring me that Eva would be fine and every kid does this. For the record, I didn't see anyone else's kids doing that.

This was swim lesson #2 and although it started out WAAAAAAAAY worse then swim lesson #1, where I had the element of surprise and unknown on my side, it ended WAAAAAAAAAAY better. Eva even managed to stop crying part of the way through and actually enjoyed herself. Here's hoping that it wasn't a fluke.


Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWW! Really EVERY kid does do that, so rest assured on that one Chrissy. Being a mommy "veteran" I can promise you I've been there and done that a zillion times over.

You just wait till Eva is an olympic swimmer and we really will look back and laugh! ;)

Alice said...

Please bring the video camera so we can all enjoy the show.

LaSal said...

Yes, really, no video? That would have been nice....

April's major hissy fit happened WAY back in the olden days, in Woolworth's, on their stair case. I took hold of her hand and kept slowly walking this kicking, punching, screaming, red-faced, snot-dripping, saliva drooling wet ball of tiny humanity up the stairs, at which point another grandmotherly type said, 'My, you certainly have a lot of patience'. True. Only the young should have kids, cuz nowadays I would drop kick her butt outta town. Or left her there. Or stood there staring and innocently asking the onlooking crowd to whom she belonged....
Kudos to you and your patience.

Tara said...

both my kids totally freaked out to, it has to be normal right? lol! i'm glad that it ended on a better note, hope it continues!!