Monday, May 18, 2009

The end of an era

A baby locked up in her crib, at my mercy, peaceful in her room until I say she can come out, safe in "baby jail", sleeping in a cage era. And it's bittersweet.... for all of the reasons I just mentioned and a million more. Am I being dramatic? Sure. Give me a little leeway, she's my baby. It was nice to know that she would be there until I got her out. It was nice to feel needed when I went into the room every morning to lift her out of the crib. It was nice to listen to her play in her crib with her dollys on the monitor. It was nice to only have to change a crib sheet every week and not to have to deal with pillow cases and top sheets and quilts and all of the other shize that goes along with a big girl bed. All that is over (with the girl child at least) now. The crib has been (FINALLY) passed on to baby Lukey (who'll be one in a few days) and Eva is in her big girl bed.

How did she do in her first night in her big girl room you ask???? She didn't cry, or complain, or climb out, or fall out and break her leg, or get up in the middle of the night, or pull a bookshelf over onto herself, or break the mirror on top of her dresser, or fall out of the window.... None of that stuff that I thought was going to happened, the stuff that was keeping her in the crib all this time even though her big girl room has been set up for over a year, happened.

Sweet because it was a momentous occasion for us. A banner day at the Lifschultz household. Eva is in her big girl room at the ripe old age of 2 years 4 months. Bitter because all of this time I thought she couldn't do it, wasn't old enough, would keep me up all night. Bitter because I feel like a heel for doubting her and for the aforementioned reasons. Anyway, it's done... We lived through it... and it wasn't bad. AT. All.


Anonymous said...

That is FANTASTIC! I'm totally envious but not surprised...Eva Beans is a true doll!

Alice said...

Now maybe when she's 16 and asks if she can stay out till 9:00 PM you will remember this...and you'll still say no.
Congratulations Eva for graduating to the big girl bed.
Congratulations Lukey for graduating to the big baby bed.
Congratulations Momma and DaDa for letting it all happen.

Anonymous said...

From cuz Jodi...
I still don't know how to post things here and can only seem to make it work as anonymous...
congrats to Eva!!
Chrissy... I wanted to tell you I am so happy you do this website. I feel like I am a part of your life even tho I'm 100s miles away!!
I love "Eva with a work ethic" so much I watch it over and over again... I feel like I'm watching your kids grow up!! I love it and I love you for doing this!!

Chrissy Lif said...

Awwe thanks Jodi!!!! Post away.. anonymous or not... I love the feedback.

Rebecca said...

That is great - you are so lucky! We just switched Chase over and he hangs out in the hallway for a while and says "I want Mommy"... over and over again. As I type and it is 8:30 - he is still up there playing. What is your trick?

annette said...

Where has lukey been sleeping all this time?

kathy said...

Congrats, Eva ! And more congrats to Mommy and Dada, who are growing up too.