Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm in a serious

fatal almost blog rut.


Anonymous said...

Say it ain't so!!!!

Alice said...

What do you mean???!!!!
You have two of my beautiful grandchildren....post some pictures of them. When you have nothing to say...make it wordless mondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturdaysunday or whatever! Who wouldn't want to see pics of Eva and Ookie!?
Do it, NOW!!!!

Anonymous said...

Noooooooooooo !!! What will we do, what will we do ????

Please don't feel upstaged by your mother- altho her life is possibly the greatest EVER right now, and we're stuck with 'normal' boring, everyday jobs....
just take a deep breath and count to ten... Go to the gym or something, grocery shop with your kids, try to take a vacation... surely you've had a pumpkin picking disaster.... Just keep those posts coming !!! (make something up even)

LaSal said...

Ahhh, Sweetie, I think I can almost understand. Is it like being 'burned out' blog wise? (That's what happened to me with a weekly show.) If it feels like you HAVE to do it, rather than you WANT to do it, fatalities can occur. My advice? Take a break. When you're ready, come back even if it's just once a week, once a month, only with pictures, or when the mood strikes, but if you want/need it, give yourself a break. We'll all still be here. :D

Lady Lif said...

I'm gonna fight, kick, scream, and claw my way out of it..not to worry....

Anonymous said...

Your mom makes a good point. You have two adorable kids. Just post pictures of them doing pretty much anything and you're guaranteed to make your faithful readers go "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe"!

Anonymous said...

Chrissy - you work in an office, I'm sure there are some ridiculous office politics stories to share. While I visit you almost daily, I won't leave you if you take a break. :) There is a presidential debate tonight, I'm sure that should spark some inspiration.

Anonymous said...

I'm right there with ya girl