Monday, December 21, 2009

PSA - Driving with a ton of snow on top of your car

IS DANGEROUS! DUH!?!?!??!??!?!? Don't ya know eventually that snow is going to fly off your roof and smash into someone windsheild? Don't ya also know that the chances are y'all will be driving when that happens????? I realize snow is white and fluffy and innocent when it comes down but once it sits for a day and gets wet and cold and hard it can become a weapon! Much like a soft feathery turkey does when it's frozen.

Um, do you want to be hit by a ton of ice in the windsheild whilst going 60 mph on the expressway? No. Well, neither does anyone else so clean off the effin roofs of your cars. Just a little bit of the Golden Rule will go a long way here folks. Ya know the one that says don't hurl humongous blocks of snow and ice at 80 miles an hour from the roof of your van onto others peoples windsheilds while they unsuspectingly drive around town christmas shopping if you don't want it done to you....

Did I mention "DUH"????????????????!


AshleyOhio said...

I hate that, nothing like a block of ice coming at you. Semi's are the worst offenders...but I guess its hard for them to scrape the top of their truck.

Anonymous said...

RIght On!!!

Marie said...

Amen sista girl!!!!!!!! We drove down the LIE yesterday and watched a couple delivery trucks almost demolish a couple lanes of traffic by throwing off 4-foot sheets of ice. I SO wanted to speed up behind them, get their plates, and call the cops and/or their employers. I'm grumpy like that.
Unfortunately I couldn't catch up to them due to the 4-ft chunks of ice I was trying to dodge.

Marie said...

P.S. So sorry we missed you this weekend!!! I hope the next time I'm up there are no blizzards and we can get together without risking anyone's necks!

Nancy said...

They just don't get it!! Do they??